well my ideal job must have the necessary requirements to have some time free to spend with my family and earn a quantity razonable of money, and it would be work in a hospital with a stable contract . At this type of job I would need a lot of qualities that could make me more eassy to treat a person and babys, like the knowledge of the womens anatomy and babys anatomy, to be able to realize anything extrange like a spot or something alse that could to derive in some patology, also I must need the knowledge of the comun sickness that concern whit the womens and the babys. Also I need the knowledge to work with the tools that we need to assist a delivery, to take an examination of they vital signs and to reject anything bad that the pacient can have. I think that I will be good at this job because I like to help people and if I can take care of the people at the begining of they developed it will be really nice, also I learn fast, so if I must learn something that is new to treat my pacient I will be capacity in a short time. well always is hard to find a job especially when we are recently finish our carrer, but I will keep studing to have a better titule in order that this dosn´t happen.